My first Cookbook is now on sale!

Criminals, their victims and the detectives who investigate their misdeeds all need to eat. Cooking can be a therapeutic activity for both overworked police officers looking for relaxation in the midst of a difficult case and for grieving relatives needing something to take their minds off their ever-present feelings of loss and confusion.

It is not, therefore, surprising that food features prominently in a series of crime novels. This book contains recipes for many of the dishes described in the fourteen Bernie Fazakerley Mysteries and other related books. It includes comfort food from bereaved mother, Chrissie Hughes, delicious baking by pillar-of-the-church Deirdre who is always worried that Father Damien does not feed himself properly, exotic eastern dishes taught to young Lucy by her Muslim friends, and a wide range of food prepared by house-husband and ex-police officer, Peter using produce from their large garden.

You can buy paperback or hardback editions from Amazon or an e-book from the Kobo store. You can also ask your local bookshop to order a copy of either of the print editions, but unfortunately it will cost a bit more that way. Just give them these ISBNs, so that they can identify them.

Paperback: 978-1-911083-83-2 

Hardback: 978-1-911083-88-7 

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